Sunday, August 22, 2021

Return Fire! The Gnolls are Struck!

A Brief Forward

I, Kelehk, do offer my deepest personal apologies if you receive this article at a later date than you are accustomed.  My dearest readers, as you well know it is my truest nature to always act in the pursuit of truth and the enlightenment of the masses.  However, in time as these where the lives of the noble and the protectors of truth are themselves at risk we must take certain measures and offer certain protections.  Beginning with this article and for all articles following in this 'Peril of the Heartlands' series we will only provide direct delivery of the article to those individuals for whom the information contained therein is of a covert or sensitive nature.  To all other recipients, the delivery of said articles will be delayed anywhere from three to ten days.  This is a compromise given to mitigate the release of strategic details to the enemies of the land.  I hope that you understand the importance of this effort and continue to enjoy my astute reporting as I continue to enjoy your loyal patronage.

Onward to the article...

Today comes news from an emerging battlefront!  Cresting the plateau on top which Vildanel sits, I found myself soaring above the Persnuck family farm just as combat had erupted between our heroes and pair of savage gnoll watchmen.  Make no mistake that the foes were swiftly dispatched, but not before signaling to their brethren on patrol nearby with a series of shrill, echoing barks that cascaded across the plains.  To my relief, my assistants' surveillance of the area only found one such patrol band in the region, with the gnolls encircling the village proper being too distant to heed the call.

Though I struggled to pull my eyes from the inevitable crash between forces, I did take a moment to perch along a window ledge of the quaint Parsnuck family home and peek inside.  I beheld with awe the inspiring bedroom of young Narn and Bo Parsnuck, walls adorned with their own well-penned missives of adventures along the Sword Coast!  My heart leapt to think that these accomplished wanderers must yet still live, given their wealth of survival experience.  Though I wish greatly to share some of what I learned of their adventures I shall not infringe the privacy of the living without their permission.  Furthermore, I could not take much time to read lest I miss the unfolding bloodshed outside.

Though the gnoll patrol party hosted more skilled adversaries, what I personally witnessed in the fields today was similar in description to the hero's prior scuttle with the Zhentarim scavengers - beams of moonlights, blasts of flame, fists ringing true, and even some precision knife-throwing from young Rin.  The battle seemed to be over in but a blink, and before I could help myself I descended from the skies to offer my accolades and see - beyond hope! - if any of them would offer a statement.

On this day I am pleased to finally assign a proper name to each of these would-be champions:

Leo the half-elf, valiant of bow, blade, and spoken word!

Lucie the halfling, conjurer of triumphant flame!

Mexidankus Sundowner the halfling, whose fists deliver radiant justice!

Tymar my aarakocran brother-in-feather, who raises brambles of the land itself to aid them!

And diminutive but powerful Hazelmere of an exotic owl-like birdfolk lineage, whose moonlight magic shines like a beacon of valor!

Unfortunately we could not locate brave Rin following the melee though I am certain she emerged unscathed and will reunite with the heroes in due time.

Also to my dismay the heroes were occupied with collecting information and discussing their plans at the time of my arrival so our discussion was short-lived.  However, I can offer the following information regarding regional gnolls activity, collected from multiple sources in the last days time:

A scattering of gnoll forces remain at the ruins of Vildanel, though to what end it is not known.  Multiple sources report that the warband has largely departed the village following the accomplishment of their unknown objective.  However, it is suspected that they yet remain encamped not far to the northeast of the attack site.

Several survivors - including each of those noted in the previous article - remain unaccounted for, and it is now suspected that one or more may have been taken captive by the gnolls.

The refugees continue their cautious trek northward along the Uldoon Trail toward Berdusk.  A uncorroborated source claims that soldiers of Elturgard have been dispatched to the trail to offer them escort.

Please stay vigilant, dear readers.

Kelehk of the Quill

Eleint 28, 1491

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Gleam of Hope

What brilliant radiance is this?!

I see beacon of promise, streaming down the Uldoon Trail with marked haste!

No sooner did my prior missive reach the eager hands of seasoned adventurers in Berdusk than we find fresh hoofprints heading southward towards righteous cause!  When I heard of this departure, I could not help but take to the trail myself to pursue these rumored heroes.

On yesterday's eve, as I peered down through the passing storm I spotted a band of bedraggled warriors - a Zhentarim reclamation team - who had run afoul of said rumored heroes.  Though they were reluctant to admit their defeat, through my peerless investigative skills I may paint the following picture of this motley band of would-be champions;

A gallant half-elf, perplexingly attired in gleaming plate but wielding a flute as his weapon;

A brace of halflings, one of whom sent the Zhentarim wagon up in flames with a flick of his wrist, and one who beat their veteran warrior to submission with his bare fists;

And what's this?  A brace of bird-folk - a brother and sister of my own kind?! - one of whom held a combatant fast in place by sheer force of will and one whom called down a radiant beam of destruction from the heavens!  And if I understand correctly, one of these winged wizards may yet only be a fledgling!

Excited by these scant details I hurried in pursuit of the heroes, but my wings grew tired despite my mind's protests and I only caught a glimpse of them as they veered from the trail on route to Vildanel.  No doubt, I did spot a pair of my feathered bretheren!  However, as I sought landing to rest I did come across the sorrowful village refugees - now packing to move northward - and I was able to spend some time with a young man by the name of Rennick Bertram who shared a great deal about the aims and character of these mysterious individuals.

"After all that's happened, I really couldn't comprehend what was going on when I saw them coming down the road", said Rennick.  "I figured 'this is it, the brigands are here to take everything we have left', but no... they were so generous, especially the little bird girl..."  Rennick took a moment to compose himself, left again bewildered by the benevolence of the adventurers.  "They said... they said they would go back to the village, drive off the gnolls, find our lost folk...  It's all more than we could ever hope for."

Among those though to be spared by the gnoll attack yet still missing include the following:

Narn and Bo Persnuck, children of local halfling farmers Bavik and Sonna Persnuck;

Goff, a half-orc workman under the employee of traveling merchant Mae Vitral;

Village sheriff Elias "Eli" Morove, father to refugee Sebastian "Seb" Morove;

A gnome explorer by the name of Ghisale, separated from her mute kenku companion Rin.

Taking Rin as a guide, the adventurers advance towards the village ruins where my own associates report that gnolls continue to maraud about the area for reasons unknown.  By my estimates they shall arrive in a days time and doubtless lay waste to the vile beasts, restoring peace and hope to the heart of our land.

Sincerely with hope,

Kelehk of the Quill

Eleint 27, 1491

Barony of Lesterac

Good morning, heroes.  In accordance with our previous discussion, my writings regarding your dealings in Dalganaf and the spellforge are be...