Dear Champions of Vildanel,
I hope this writing finds you well, as you have gone to a place where my network's delivery capabilities are somewhat limited. Please note that the article herein is at present time not for public release. After speaking with both Ghisale and Morris I have come to understand the importance of your work's clandestine nature, and therefor for the time being these works shall serve only as a private chronicle of your accomplishments until such a time as it is appropriate for disclosure.
In recent days speculation had begun to mount that our saviors from the gnolls had departed the region eastbound as quickly as they had arrived. However, it is now known through reports from The Wandering Wyvern in Iriaebor that the adventurers have instead departed north toward the lost dwarven city of Dalganaf along with a guide by the name of Nettles who descends from that same city. Scant few details of Dalganaf are known to the public - largely due to the secretive nature of the city's descendants - though it is known that Dalganaf was abandoned and sealed shut nearly two-hundred years ago. It is also known that Dalganaf was not a major dwarven power and did not purvey conventional dwarven mining facilities. Instead, Dalganaf's chief export of record was magical armaments furnished by its elaborate foundry. This facility allegedly hosted an ancient apparatus known as a "green-flame forge" or "spellforge".
Our heroes likely proceeded northbound toward the arc of the Southern Sunset Mountains where Dalganaf was known to have resided. Along the way it is believed that they slew another small band of orcs and then slid cautiously through orc territory in the foothills where they may have caused some alarm and were forced to progress hastily. At this time there is no evidence to suggest they were caught or otherwise harmed by the orcs. Editorial suspicion suggest that Nettles is well versed of paths into Dalganaf that would be otherwise difficult to traverse, such as waste or water-ways.
In full honesty, our reporting network is not well-suited for subterranean activity, so efforts are being made to widen our capabilities and continue to provide this essential service of chronicling what could well be an adventure of paramount importance for the region.
Kelehk of the Quill
Leaffall 14, 1491